* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2006-05-23 00:54]:
> When I attempted a network install recently, I had some troubles
> concerning the new mirrors (I believe). Everything is just fine and
> dandy until I am supposed to select a mirror. As neither of the
> mirrors listed by the installer seems to work, I edit sources.list
> manually and choose the se.powerpc.mirrors.debian.net/debian one (I
> know that might not be entirely correct, but I grab it out of my
> head when writing this, I didn't when I tried to install though),
> which worked just fine in my installed system. The installer
> couldn't find a release file there either though.
> Now I had the same problem when I installed my first system. Back
> then, it was due to my network was incorrectly configured via DHCP.
> A manual configuration solved the problem, so it can't be completely
> the same problem, but it could still be a network problem as far as
> I know, as I don't get any other indications as to whether it works
> or not due this point in the installation. I have noticed that the
> lable given to my ethernet card by the installer has changed since
> my last successfull installation (which was pre r2). I can't exactly
> remember from what to what I'm afraid, and I'm not sure wheter it
> changed index number as well or not. The computer is an iBookG4, if
> that matters.
> So as you see, I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking for here, but
> any help is appreciated.

I'm typing this email on my iBook G4. I've attached my sources.list.

- Felix

Felix C. Stegerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Any sufficiently advanced bug is indistinguishable from a feature."
 -- R. Kulawiec
# /etc/apt/sources.list [ -> /etc/flx/cfg/common/apt/sources.list ]
#   Felix C. Stegerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
#   2006-04-29
# --

# *** Main Sources ***

# Unstable (sid)
deb     http://nl.powerpc.mirror.debian.net/debian/ sid           main contrib 
deb-src http://nl.powerpc.mirror.debian.net/debian/ sid           main contrib 

# Testing (etch)
deb     http://nl.powerpc.mirror.debian.net/debian/ etch          main contrib 
deb-src http://nl.powerpc.mirror.debian.net/debian/ etch          main contrib 

# Testing (etch) security updates
deb     http://security.debian.org/                 etch/updates  main contrib 
deb-src http://security.debian.org/                 etch/updates  main contrib 

# Experimental
deb     http://nl.powerpc.mirror.debian.net/debian/ experimental  main contrib 
deb-src http://nl.powerpc.mirror.debian.net/debian/ experimental  main contrib 

# *** Extra Sources ***

# Guido Guenther: lame, libdvdcss, mplayer, etc.
deb     http://honk.sigxcpu.org/linux-ppc/debian/   mplayer/
deb-src http://honk.sigxcpu.org/linux-ppc/debian/   mplayer/

# vim: syntax=debsources

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