
am So, den 25 Juni 2006, schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> Is there a way to add USB to a unit that doesn't have it? 

I think it would help if you tell us the System you have. 

> Can a generic USB PCI card go in a slot or will the firmware barf?  Will
> Linux see it?

On the Pegasos II (a PowerPC system from Genesi/bplan with a G3 or
G4) there seems to be some problems with USB cards. I have one working
(it has a VIA chip). But my SCSI card, which works on a x86 system
does not work in my Pegasos II.

I cannot tell you something about PCI on other PPC systems.

> IBM's description of PCI says that its architecture-independant, which
> suggests that this should work if the PPC kernel has USB.  However, the
> diagnostic manual lists as one of the errors that an installed PCI card
> doesn't have a recognized VPD.

It seems that not all PCI cards are architecture-independant, in
particular those with a "big" firmware.

Hope this will help,

        Dieter Schuster

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