On Thu, Aug 24, 2006 at 04:20:35PM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> The instruction on
> <http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/powerpc/ch04s05.html.en#files-oldworld>
> claim that a ramdisk image named ramdisk.image.gz will be on the first
> installation CD, but it isn't. There is one .gz file, but it is not a
> ramdisk, I found out the hard way. The file linux.bin is also not there,
> but the file vmlinux is a kernel, I found out the hard way.
> Does anyone know where can I find the ramdisk image for Debian 3.1r2 for
> Old World Macs?

The Sarge installation manual has never been updated to
reflect the state of Sarge. What you seek is located under
debian/dists/woody/main/disks-powerpc/current/powermac/ of your
local mirror.

All the files there come from the mess which were the Woody
boot-floppies. :)

On a side note, the StuffIt archive of BootX in that directory
contains proprietary binary code... And under a main/ directory? It
seems Debian was not so strict in this era. ;) The same is also true
for at least the alpha architecture.

 .''`.   Aurélien GÉRÔME
: :'  :
`. `'`   Free Software Developer
  `-     Unix Sys & Net Admin

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