On Mon, Aug 06, 2007 at 08:36:38AM -0500, Greg Trigg wrote:
> How large do I want my boot partition to be?  At the moment it's 100Megs 
> with a root partition of 10Gig, a swap partition of 1.5Gig and a home 
> partition of 2Gig.  If I should do something different, I would also 
> welcome that advice.  I changed the boot partition to 'PrepBoot' and the 
> others as linux and linux swap partitions.
> I'm thinking that 100Megs is way too much, but I'd rather have that than 
> too little.
 Partitioning questions usually get at least as many different
answers as the number of people who reply (so, *at least one*
favoured scheme per responder ;).

  If this is for yaboot (so, not where the kernels live), 800KB is
adequate (but I can remember a fedora installer that insisted on
800MB, and it didn't cause a lot of aggro to me).  If this really is
for /boot, 100MB should be fine.

 Personally, I can't imagine what you would use to fill up 10 GB,
but that probably just shows my limited experience - on a non-debian
ppc64 _multilib_ which defaults to 64-bit, 6GB is more than enough
for me.  Usually, I think putting /home on its own partition is good,
but only because I have multiple installations (which implies at
least two partitions for use as '/' in different contexts).

 Re Elimar's response, there is a place for separate /usr and /var,
but it all depends what you are going to do with the box - for most
people, fewer partitions are better than more, because it means you
are less likely to run out of space.  For me, the only reason to
separate /tmp is if I'm going to put it on a tmpfs.

ĸen (or Ken if you don't use UTF-8 !)
das eine Mal als Tragödie, das andere Mal als Farce

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