Le mardi 21 août 2007 à 11:34 +0200, Sven Luther a écrit :
> Hi, ...
> I ask for volunteers to help investigate the bug 


I have a debian unstable 32 bits (dual 1GHz G4) here at work, but no
time for tests, I can create you an account on it if you want.
What else do you need ? Do you want me to debootstrap some distribution
on it in order you can "play" with it.

If you need it, here is my lab phone number : 01 69 15 79 59

> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=438504
> I tried investigating it, despite what was done to me, and it appears on
> both my -mitx board and ag-'s powerbook G4.
> It does not appear on the augsbourg powerpc64 machines, which means
> something is fishy, and since the debian project has expulsed me, i am
> not able to test this on the official debian machines. It seems Martin
> Michlmair has said he tested it on a official debian machine, but on the
> same time Bastian Blank says :
>   (10:37:53)< waldi> ag-: unable to check, the debian ppc32 machines are
>   broken
> So, i wonder who is telling the truth, or if there is some kind of
> confusion going on.
> This bug is RC, since it stops the kernel from being built on the
> debian powerpc autobuilders, which means the powerpc port does not
> satisfy the release rules.
> Furthermore, this is one more case where the vendetta of a small vocal
> minority of DDs against me, is hurting the whole port, since i cannot
> investigate it using debian machines, and since i am banned from most
> debian lists and irc channels where this could be discussed. I am sorry
> to bring this up one more time, but it is urgent that someone else steps
> up, and investigates this kind of issues, or the powerpc debian port
> will go one more step to oblivion.
> I am sorry that this happens, but i have done what i could, and have
> been hurt too much by debian's leadership, who refuse any mediation or
> normalization of this mess, despite my continuous good will and appeals
> at conciliation.
> Sadly,
> Sven Luther

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