On Mon, 05 Jun 2006 22:05:07 +0200

> I have a problem with getting my keyboard to full function and 
> with the resolution of my monitor.
> First i can`t get the apple keys to work as meta keys, and i know
> that the monitor supports 1024x768, but i just get 800x600 to work.
> And the missing mouse button´s are also quit anoying, i read about a
> possibillity to amp them to F11 and F12, but i´m interested in an
> other alternative, maybe someone has a good solution for that ? 

yes, i have ;P
i bound the middle button to the right apple key, and the right button
on the key just at its right :) so you can easily use them with 3rd and
4th finger, just as a normal mouse.....
here the lines to be added to /etc/sysctl.conf to make it work:


> Section "Device"
>         Identifier      "Generic Video Card"
>         Driver          "nv"
> EndSection
i've to look at my pb12, to check the driver i'm using, maybe vesa,
don't remember, i'll tell you asap

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