On Thu, Sep 04, 2008 at 12:32:43AM +0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi Stephen,

Hi Risto:
> In your place, I would take the following route:
> In OS 9:
> (1) download BootX from
> http://penguinppc.org/historical/benh/BootX_1.2.2.sit, and install it,
> (2) download Debian kernel and initrd from
> http://ftp.nl.debian.org/debian/dists/etch/main/installer-powerpc/current/images/powerpc/netboot/vmlinux
> and 
> http://ftp.nl.debian.org/debian/dists/etch/main/installer-powerpc/current/images/powerpc/netboot/initrd.gz,
> and place them into :System Folder:Linux Kernels,

OK I did this before, my error was that I didn't put the kernel and initrd in a 
directory called Linux 
Kernels in the top level of the system folder. So thanks for the clarification.
> (3) place the Debian netinst CD into a CD drive,
> (4) Run BootX application (alternatively install BootX extension, and reboot).

OK I did this, got a shell and then a kernel panic, and a reboot message for 3 
Probably because of the kernel being in the wrong place eh ?

> (5) When Bootx asks you to choose your OS, before doing so, press on
> Options, and select the initrd (Use specified RAM disk) (with BootX
> extension variant, you have to be careful to stop the clock from
> counting down, this can be done by writing a space into More kernel
> arguments field).

You mean the ram disk is automatically set as default ? By space in the kernel 
arguments field, you mean to 
hit the space bar ? Excuse me if I'm being a little thick, it's the end of a 
long day.
> (6) Press on Save to prefs, in case you don't succeed on first try,
> and need to try again with a different command line, or the CD in
> another drive.
> (7) Press on Linux, and hope the best.

Thanks for the excellent instructions Risto. Great list !

S.D.Allen - Toronto
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