On Fri, Dec 04, 2015 at 06:09:28AM +0000, Fadi Osman wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm contacting you on the behalf of the PowerPC Notebook project 
> team.(http://www.powerpc-notebook.org)
> As you might already know, we are a group of volunteers collaborating towards 
> building a notebook around the Freescale e6500 core (ALTIVEC and PowerIsa 
> 2.07).We are aiming at making the hardware FSF compliant (or at least Open).
> We will be using Debian ppc64 as our Operating System.
> Is it possible for us to join you, essentially for the ppc64 port? 
> (development/bug fixing/testing...)
> We would eventually also like to run ppc64el (but from my understanding, that 
> would be without ALTIVEC).
> Please contact us if you think there are subjects/packages we can work on.
> Thanks a lot,and hoping to be of help.The PowerPC Notebook project team.
> (NOTE: Some of us already have 32bit and 64bit PowerPC hardware running 
> Debian.)

I am curious why you want to run ppc64 rather than powerpc?  What benefit
is there to going 64bit for everything rather than just a few select
things (like a database perhaps that needs the memory space)?  After all
doubling the pointer size increases cache usage and memory bandwidth
usage, and on most architectures does not gain you anything except a
larger address space (x8a_646 being a huge exception since it doubled the
register count and dropped x87 and various other good things).

Len Sorensen

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