Hi Rick

It seems to be related to the DVI port; DVI-I-1 works but DVI-I-2 doesn't. When I swap the monitors around it's the non-mac one which works.
$ xrandr
Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1680 x 1050, maximum 4096 x 4096
DVI-I-1 connected primary 1680x1050+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 433mm x 270mm
    1680x1050     59.88*+
DVI-I-2 connected 1280x1024+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 338mm x 270mm
    1280x1024     60.02*+
    1152x864      75.00
    1024x768      85.00    75.08    60.00
    832x624       74.55
    800x600       85.06    75.00    60.32
    640x480       85.01    75.00    60.00
    720x400       70.08

So xrandr sees both but no signal gets to DVI-I-2

I'm trying out various xrandr settings but I suspect it's something kernel related. Maybe there's a boot parameter that needs to be passed.


Clive Menzies
Political Economist
+44 (0) 7836 601378

Hi Clive,
Do you happen to have an xorg.conf? if so, please remove it.
Xorg should probe for your screens and not need an xorg.conf.
It shouldn't need any kernel parameters passed.... But stranger things have happened!

Please post your xorg.0.log, just curious to see if the edid is read correctly.

FYI, I tried it with a Quadro FX4500 and a flashed GeForce 7800 and D.H. seemed to work.

I used a Dell 24" LCD @ 1900x1200 together with an old Philips 20" @ 1680x1050 and it worked... For me anyway....

I should have an old GeForce 6600 laying around. I believe you mentioned this is GPU you have? If you like, I can try it out when i get a spare moment as well to see if it works on my end.

It may end up being something specific with the GeForce 6600.

Keep us posted.


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