Dear all

I am running Debian 9 ppc64 with Mate Desktop on A-Eon Cyrus X5000
(Freescale P5020)

Both Firefox-ESR and Qupzilla exits or crashes while browsing.

Here are the outputs in the terminal.


Crash Annotation GraphicsCriticalError: |[0][GFX1]: Unknown image format 1
(t=4.70433) |[5086][GFX1]: Unknown image format 1 (t=90.5178)
|[5087][GFX1]: Unknown image format 1 (t=90.5287) |[5088][GFX1]: Unknown
image format 1 (t=94.4401) |[5089][GFX1]: Unknown image format 1
(t=94.4405) |[5090][GFX1]: Unknown image format 1 (t=94.4417)
|[5091][GFX1]: Unknown image format 1 (t=94.4568) |[5077][GFX1]: Unknown
image format 1 (t=85.4479) |[5078][GFX1]: Unknown image format 1 (t=85.449)
|[5079][GFX1]: Unknown image format 1 (t=85.4647) |[5080][GFX1]: Unknown
image format 1 (t=90.0794) |[5081][GFX1]: Unknown image format 1
(t=90.0797) |[5082][GFX1]: Unknown image format 1 (t=90.0809)
|[5083][GFX1]: Unknown image format 1 (t=90.0964) |[5084][GFX1]: Unknown
image format 1 (t=90.5144) |[5085][GFX1]: Unknown image format 1
(t=90.5167) [GFX1]: Unknown image format 1
Illegal instruction


root@X5000:/home/amigaone# qupzilla
QStandardPaths: wrong ownership on runtime directory /run/user/1000, 1000
instead of 0
QStandardPaths: wrong ownership on runtime directory /run/user/1000, 1000
instead of 0
Qt: Session management error: None of the authentication protocols
specified are supported
AdBlockSubscription:: loadSubscription invalid format of adblock file
QupZilla: 0 extensions loaded
QIODevice::read (QFile, "/root/.config/qupzilla/
profiles/default/cookies.dat"): device not open
Illegal instruction

Sinan Gürkan
AmigaOS4 Beta-Tester
**AmigaOne X5000 + 8GB RAM + Asus Radeon R7 265 **
**AmigaOne A1222 + 2GB RAM + Asus Radeon R7 265**
**Sam460ex + 2GB RAM + Sapphire Radeon 7750**

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