Le mer. 15 juil. 2020 à 12:27, Rick Thomas <rick.tho...@pobox.com> a écrit :
> I have an old PowerMac G4 "Silver" (PowerMac3,4 533 MHz) running Debian 
> Jessie, that I'd like to put a couple of SATA disks into.

That's a desire shared by many people, unfortunately with few good answers.

You need to locate a SIL3112 (or in a pinch, SIL3114 can do) based PCI
SATA card and flash it with a Fcode BIOS that was originally designed
for a mac-oriented card. Details and links (of questionable legitimacy
as the Fcode is probably still copyrighted) can be found on some Mac
forums - or at least in their archives. I have a SIL3114 booting 10.5
in a G4 FW800.

I've successfully made a PCIe LSI1068e boot from a SAS drive in a PCIe
G5, and a similar procedure should work for PCI-X LSI1068/1064 in a
PCI-X G5 (see <http://www.sunhelp.org/pipermail/rescue/2020-July/142265.html>
and <http://www.sunhelp.org/pipermail/rescue/2020-July/142249.html>).
However, those PCI-X cards are 3.3V only. Unless you can locate a 5V
PCI[-X] card with a LSI1064/1068, it won't help in a G4 as its PCI
slots are 5V only. I have _never_ seen a 5V LSI1064/1068 (and I've
looked for my G4s!), so the SIL311[24] way is the only credible
solution that I know of :-(


Romain Dolbeau

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