Le 10/09/2022 à 11:45, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz a écrit :
Hi David!

On 9/9/22 18:58, David VANTYGHEM wrote:
I installed last ISO of Debian for PowerPC. All is fine but screen is
blank, xserver doesn't start. Following Adrian advice, I installed
xserver-xorg-video-r128package but there's no changes. Must I type
something particular after installing this package or must I install
another package ?

Please provide the log files from the installation which can be found
in /var/log/installer.

Also, please provide the log file /var/log/Xorg.0.log.

Hi Adrian,

Thank you !

I can't mount USB key on my iMac (mount -t ext4 /dev/sbd /mnt makes errors) so I installed Midnight Commander and used FTP. Log files are here : http://www.education.free.fr/a/

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