On Thursday, March 23, 2023, Linux User #330250 <linuxuser330...@gmx.net>

> I also see BE disappearing from lots and lots of software. My assumption
> is that it simply isn't viable anymore, as most users and developers
> have moved on.

except in Japan, India, China, and anywhere else in the world
where the main CPU directly memory-map accesses the Peripheral
Bus (Industrial Control), and router hardware used literally
everywhere in the entire world because IP Protocol network-order
*IS* big-endian.

you have fallen as have the very software communities you
quote into the trap of assuming "desktop [and HPC]" === "ALL
software worldwide".

because java. because javascript.

if anyone tried proposing on openwrt mailing lists that they
should convert to using javascript for all source code there
would be nobody to reply because they would all be in shock
and disbelief. [openwrt runs on systems with clock rates between 60 mhz and
600 mhz approx. JS would punish that with a 10x

i am exaggerating to get the point across but you get the general
gist i am sure, that there exists a real serious problem
inherent in the "Bazaar" model that we have all *assumed* to
be inviolate and 100% successful in all circumstances.

unfortunately it is not, and the loss of BE support because
"why would desktop need it??" illustrates that perfectly.
talk to anyone doing network-centric distros and they will
not be happy, explaining in great detail how performance and
critical latency are really severely impacted on LE-centric

there are even companies doing custom FPGA Products to
bi-directionally *REORDER* IP protocol Packets
"because bloody Intel bloody LE"!


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