Le jeudi, 12 octobre 2017, 16.34:48 h CEST Dominik George a écrit :
> I said that I cannot access CUPS from the local network, not from loopback.

The title of this bug is "Default ServerName wrong/not in sync with manual". 
I'm not sure I understand whether you think the documentation should be 
changed, or whether the _code_ should be changed. Could you please clarify?

From the documentation, you need to have both a network-accessible IP in a 
`Listen` stanza, as well as the hostnames you want the scheduler to be 
accesssible to be listed in either `ServerName` and/or `ServerAlias`.

What I can say is that from the source (scheduler/conf.c, around lines 956 in 
stable) https://sources.debian.net/src/cups/2.2.1-8/scheduler/conf.c/#L956

>   else
>   {
>     if (gethostname(temp, sizeof(temp)))
>     {  
>       cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to get hostname: %s",    
>                       strerror(errno));
>       strlcpy(temp, "localhost", sizeof(temp));
>     }
>     cupsdSetString(&ServerName, temp);

… ServerName is set from gethostname(2), which, by their manpages, return the 
same value as hostname(1), aka uname(2)'s nodename, which you can retrieve 
from $ uname -n.

ServerName is set around these lines and there are various heuristics which 
add ServerAliases to that configuration. All these are logged at the 'debug' 
level. I've added a patch to log the ServerName cups takes:

--- a/scheduler/conf.c
+++ b/scheduler/conf.c
@@ -891,6 +891,7 @@ cupsdReadConfiguration(void)
     cupsdSetString(&ServerName, temp);
+    cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG, "Set ServerName %s", temp);

With this in place, and debugging enabled via `cupsctl --debug-logging` (see 
[0] for a very good documentation), a restart of the server gives me:

D [12/Oct/2017:17:21:25 +0200] Set ServerName gyllingar
D [12/Oct/2017:17:21:25 +0200] Added auto ServerAlias gyllingar

$ hostname -f

What is it that you get? And do you still think there's discrepancy between 
code and documentation? If so, which one do you think is wrong?

Thanks in advance,


[0] https://wiki.debian.org/

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