On Mon 04 Dec 2017 at 23:47:04 -0600, David Fries wrote:

> Package: cups
> Version: 2.2.1-8
> Severity: important
> Dear Maintainer,
> It seems to be every day or so the /etc/cups/printers.conf DeviceURI is
> modified to replace the version that works with a version that doesn't.

Knowing "...the version that works..." would be useful.

> This is printing to a cups system on the local network.
> Was working with the cups in Debian jessie.

What is the cups version on the server? Can you print from the server?

> It doesn't matter if I use a dnssd (auto detected), ipps, ipp, it gets
> replaced by,
> DeviceURI implicitclass:Canon_BJC-2100
> and that doesn't allow it to print.  I've even gone so far as deleting
> the printer, the detecting it through the ipp web configuration
> interface and after a day or so it goes back to the implicitclass.

I do not understand the existence of the time lag.
> Any ideas?

There will be a PPD for the BCJ-2100 in /etc/cups/ppd. Please do

 /usr/sbin/cupsfilter -p <PPD> -m printer/foo -e --list-filters /etc/services

and post its output and the outputs of

 systemctl status cups-browsed


 lpstat -t

All three commands will run as user.



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