On Sun 28 Jan 2018 at 17:40:46 +0000, Brian Potkin wrote:

> On Sun 28 Jan 2018 at 17:11:49 +0100, Reinhard John wrote:
> > I removed two dependencies to test the proposed workaround. Besides: The
> > correct path of the file is /usr/share/hplip/base/password.py.
> > Now the hp-doctor asked for the sudoer´s password. But: the installation of
> > the missing dependencies failed.
> > 
> > > -------------------
> > > Please enter the sudoer (reinhard)'s password:
> > > Do you want to update repository and Install missing/incompatible
> > > packages. (a=install all*, c=custom_install, s=skip):a
> > > Updating repository
> > > -------------------
> > > Installing Missing/Incompatible packages
> > > ----------------------------------------
> > > cmd =libssl-dev
> > > error: Failed to install 'libssl-dev' package, please install manually.
> > > cmd =libsane-dev
> > > error: Failed to install 'libsane-dev' package, please install manually.
> > 
> > Do you think this error results of a follow-up configuration problem in
> > another file?
> > 
> > I will send a bug report to the hplip developers. If there are any solutions
> > I will post them here.
> Success, then; you do not need a root password. Thanks for the testing
> and the path correction.
> I can see no reason why you would need those two files to print or scan.
> Forget about them.

My response was less than adequate; apologies. I had actually tested
hp-plugin after changing su to sudo in password.py. It worked but you
caused me to wonder why. hp-plugin downloads and installs a plugin.
Downloading requires no root privileges but installing does, and the
privileges have already been gained via sudo.

hp-doctor uses/usr/share/hplip/installer/distros.dat. The [debian]
section updates and downloads packages with su -c. I changed all these
and su_sudo to sudo. I'm using a 9.3 stretch version and also changed
/etc/issue and /etc/debian_version to 9.1, which is the last entry on
the versions line.

That worked but you cannot expect a user to go through all of this.
Devising a solution still lies in the hands of the hplip team. Whether
they will implement one is another matter.



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