On Fri 06 Jul 2018 at 14:02:21 -0700, Jack Bates wrote:

> On 2018-06-30 06:08 AM, Brian Potkin wrote:
> > On Fri 29 Jun 2018 at 13:59:06 -0700, Jack Bates wrote:
> > > Why doesn't my printer show up in the GTK 3 print dialog?
> > 
> > What does show up there (without cups running)?
> With CUPS stopped, "Print to File" and "print" show up in the Evince (GTK 3)
> print dialog [1]. If I start CUPS on a *remote* machine, those queues appear
> in the print dialog also (CUPS still stopped on the local machine). It
> doesn't matter whether CUPS is running locally or not, the same items
> appear. (The local CUPS doesn't have any queues configured.)

"print" is the printer discovered by the GTK 3 print dialog. What is the
make and model of the printer you have on the network. Is it attached to
a remote CUPS server which is advertising its queues?

> At no time does the printer show up, although I confirm that avahi-browse
> does still discover it, and it does show up in the LibreOffice (not GTK 3, I
> think?) print dialog.

Please do

 avahi-browse -art > log

and post log.

> I'm not sure where the "print" item comes from. If I select it, its status
> changes to "Getting printer information..." and the pointer spins forever.
> [1] http://nottheoilrig.com/Screenshot%20from%202018-07-06%2013-28-55.png

Very useful. I'll venture an opinion after seeing log.


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