On Tue, 13 Jun 2000, Anthony Towns wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 12, 2000 at 12:53:44PM -0600, Bruce Sass wrote:
> > If you really want to show that non-free and contrib are not part of the
> > distribution you should move them out from under "dists".
> > ftp...debian.org/
> >     debian/                 # has infrastructure support
> >             dists/...               # DFSG free
> >             not-dists/...           # not DFSG free
> >     not-debian/             # no infrastructure support
> >             [1]/
> ftp.debian.org/pub/debian/not-debian ?


> Having it outside of the debian/ hierarchy just causes problems for
> mirrors.

There would be one more `site' to mirror... or am I missing something.

> For that matter, having it outside of dists/ just causes problems
> for Apt, really.

Technical, or aesthetic problems.

> Compare,
> deb http://foo.debian.org/debian woody main add-on/contrib add-on/non-free
>     vs, ummm,
> deb http://foo.debian.org/debian woody main
> deb http://foo.debian.org/debian/not-dists/woody contrib/ non-free/

The first is cleaner, the second provides better separation;
I guess it is a matter of which is more important to Debian.

> It just seems better to state what stuff *is*, rather than what it's not.

It is just a short placeholder that seems to capture the sentiment, :),
a more positive name would be required.

> > Since any change is unlikely to happen before Woody, why not discuss
> > incorporating Hurd, BSD(?), whatever into the archive.  e.g.,
> Hurd's already incorporated: dists/unstable/main/binary-hurd-i386/*
> (there's exactly one .deb in dists/unstable/non-free/binary-hurd-i386/,
> btw :)

Hmmm, ok.


- Bruce

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