I'm not sure about if the GR is good/bad for advocating
free software. I'm still thinking. And I un-carefully
deleted a mesg that I want to reply, thus I got a such
subject here. 8)

My uncertainty on my belief on debian's belief on free
software is arised while following the thread(s) anyways.
I can understand some agree with the GR and some do
not. That is simply a discussion on whether it is really
good for advocating free software or not. This surely 
didn't raise my uncertainty on my belief on debian's
belief on free software.

But some mesg make me uncertain on my belief on debian's
belief on free software. Free software may technically
fail to take some task, that may be a bug somewhere
(as in previous xv ... case), or just that it's still in
beta or alpha (mozilla case), or even some patent law
trouble (as in zip/unzip). I personally don't think these
fail of free software is a proper point to against this
GR. (That so many mesg takes this point to against this
GR is the source of my FUD on my belief on debian's belief
on free software.)

If that is the reason to against this GR, then ...

<ignore flame="flame">
what a weird case???
Am i a stupid jerk when yesterday I promote Gnumeric powered
Linux to my friend in favor of Excel powered Win??? Wasn't
RMS a crazy nerd at 1984 when he trying to launch GNU from
scratch while there are already numerous working applications
spreaded everywhere??? What was the REASON???

I could see some say the inconvience could reduce our user
base then could hurt our advocating for free software. I can
see this is somewhat reasoned argument, though I am not sure
if this is right. This didn't raise my uncertainty on my belief
on debian's belief on free software.

But, say, ``Free software cannot do this, non-free can,
we (or most of our users) need non-free, so the GR is bad.''
I am really afraid of this kind of arguments.

1) As many pointed out already, the GR can't (NOBODY can
indeed) make you don't use non-free. (In fact you can use
everything you could download from Internet. Including
JDK and some DeCSS like things.) Hence, ``we need non-free''
--XXX--> ``the GR is bad''.

2) Why I say ``I am afraid''?? "cause I've been blamed by
my previous boss on my promoting for free software/Open
source. And his blame is just like this. 8-P So, you guys
can sure say I'm a stupid jerk, heh??? But the ridiculou
thing is that my boss based his whole fortune on working
on Linux! (He did a localized distro.) What a fsck!

Okay then, here's the conclusion of this email:
I know ALL debian developers believe in free software.
(cause when they join, they should claim their belief
on DFSG/SC et al.) My uncertainty of my belief on debian's
belief on free software is just vague. That is surely your
wording. 8) that gives me such an illusion/FUD. 8)

And i recommend, as RMS has a phylosophy section on 
http://www.gnu.org/, why not debian has a corresponding
section on http://www.debian.org/ to make everything clearer?

Best regards,

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