On Sun, Feb 20, 2005 at 02:21:14PM +0000, Mark Brown wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 20, 2005 at 12:33:17AM -0700, Joel Aelwyn wrote:
> > I'd prefer not to imagine, of course; either he, or anyone in the ftpmaster
> > role, could say "<someone> gave him the details", and, voila, I wouldn't
> > need to imagine at all. Even, however, if he asked nicely and got what he
> > wanted, I have seen quite a few people who asked and got what was either
> > /dev/null, or an excellent imitation thereof.
> There's a bit of a bind here, of course: since the environment on the
> mailing lists is so frequently negative it's often hard to see examples
> of positive interactions on the lists for people to learn from.  With
> things like others jumping on the thread and previous experience of the
> lists this is perhaps unsurprising.  When things are done off list these
> problems apply less but others are much less likely to hear about
> anything except the problems.

Joerg's DAM update. The Release Team updates for Sarge. Translator updates.
In fact, nearly every 'Bits from' I can think of recently has gotton
remarkably few flames. A few of them have produced unhappy discussions over
something that people think is an issue within the project that is causing
a situation reported by one or another of the updates (the Sarge release
in particular), but very few people seem to be blaming the current Release

I've seen some flames at them over including or, more often, not including
things into Sarge that are nominally frozen and need to be pushed, rather
than just hinted, for Sarge, and I'm quite sure that ftpmaster gets their
share of the same when they have to reject packages, and all I can say is
that I, personally, *try* not to go forthing at the mouth over such things
(I also try, quite hard, not to ever have them come up in the first place).
I don't think either team deserves it when they're just doing their jobs.

All it really would take to get a "thank you" instead of a "this is
freaking broken" out of me is a periodic, regular update of the "Bits from"
nature about what's going on in ftpmaster land, particularly when some sort
of major change is going to happen (or happening, or ASAP after, if it
wasn't planned). Frankly, while it's nicer to have, if "news when there is
news" were a consistant occurance with a good track record, people would
probably not mind not getting a monthly/quarterly update terribly, but
frankly, right now ftpmasters don't have that sort of track record (they
could build it, and I would love to see that happen).

Someone might post in reply and say "I was considering this, but I
certainly won't now". If so, all I have to say is "If it's a good idea,
it remains a good idea. Words are cheap, and so are considerations and
intentions." Nobody has done it consistantly to date, and so I have no
reason to believe anyone will magically start doing it in the future if I
simply don't said anything.
Joel Aelwyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                       ,''`.
                                                                     : :' :
                                                                     `. `'

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