On Tue, Mar 08, 2005 at 09:51:48PM +0100, Mike Hommey wrote:
> Osamu wrote:
> > Currently, Debian is seriously weak on easy Asian language support.
> > Fonts, IM, ... 
> > 
> > One of the problem is we do not have enough available developers.
> > 
> > We have hard time finding sponsor with time and skill for IM packages
> > even if some non-DD prepare package.
> It would probably be good to have a debian-asia or whatever list, instead
> of the multiple spam retention debian-country lists. People interested
> in the Asian language support effort could go there to contribute.
> Anyways, I'm ready to help for sponsorship, testing and stuff.
> I'm quite interested and concerned with CJK problems, since I've been
> running with LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8 for quite some time, and use UIM on a
> regular basis for japanese and (very few) korean input.
> I also gave a try to the promising SCIM, though I went back to UIM for
> some reasons.
> I think there are some others DD, not necessarily from CJK, in a similar
> position that could be interested to join such effort.

There is defacto ML now.  All UIM (Japanese) and SCIM (CJK) Anthy (J) etc 
are discussed there.

Please join [EMAIL PROTECTED] discussion.

If you are DD who is willing to help packaging, adding you to member of
alioth pkg-ime project will be nice.  Ask me, I will add you.

See more on http://alioth.debian.org/projects/pkg-ime

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