On Thu, Apr 14, 2005 at 09:51:07PM +0200, cobaco (aka Bart Cornelis) wrote:
> er, are you aware that an openoffice document is basically a zip file of a 
> coupple of xml documents (plus included pictures if any)?
> -> you definately /can/ edit them in a generic text editor, in fact I've 
> done so twice in the past (couple of years back now)

If your 'generic text editor' is emacs, you can edit anything in it,
since it has a hex editor. That doesn't constitute a Transparent copy
for the purposes of the GFDL, and nor does the word xml format or an
openoffice document.

> Why on earth would we want to exclude openoffice docs (provided that the 
> contents is licensed freely?)

I have no idea what your motives might be for your actions.

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