Hello Martin,

I'm glad you like Debian.

On Wednesday 18 May 2005 10.48, M.Schweizer wrote:
> Debian its a good Product , about wats Missing its Real or Helix Player
> and Skipe or a nother IP Free Client (XTEN)

I think you should read a bit more about Debian's background - especially:

> All important Freeware

'Freeware' is usually the term for software that comes at no cost - like the 
software you mentioned, for example.

Debian, though, is not about freeware, Debian is about creating a Linux 
distribution that uses Free Software, where the 'Free' stands for 
'Freedom' ('Frei' in german, 'libre' in french) instead of 'gratis'.  While 
Free Software usually comes at zero cost, that is not the important bit.

Typical Freeware is not Free Software, and thus Debian does not support it.

As Michelle has said: as a result of Debian being 'Free Software' and not 
just 'Freeware', you can help to improve Debian.  You don't need to be an 
expert at anything, you just need the will to help and a certain amount of 
persistence and patience.  There are many tasks that require no specialist 
knowledge (for instance, translations, web page work, etc.) - and given 
time, you'll learn a lot and you'll find the areas where you really are 
interested and where you will become a specialist.

If you want to help Debian, please feel free to reply to me off list and 
I'll help you getting started.

> Martin Schweizer,Switzerland

Where? (Just curious - I'm in Zürich)

-- vbi

The world has many unintentionally cruel mechanisms that are not
designed for people who walk on their hands.
                -- John Irving, "The World According to Garp"

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