Report for new developer applicant: Martin Michlmayr

Summary: I recommend the acceptance of Martin as a Debian Maintainer

2. Identification

I met with Martin personally and have now signed his GPG key.

3. Philosophy and Procedures

Martin demonstrated a clear understanding of the Social Contract and
DFSG.  He is also knowledgeable about the current debates surrounding
the non-free issue ;-)

He has read the main procedural information such as policy and the
packaging manual, and appears to have a good understanding of them.

4. Tasks and Skills

Martin has packaged cplay, a small Python script for playing audio
files.  He is also interested in becoming involved with Debian
publicity: he was a volunteer for GNUStep publicity and also worked
for Linux International's publicity section.  His other interest is in
working on the MIPS port, provided he can get access to a MIPS

He has shown that he is competent by correctly packaging cplay.



  Julian Gilbey, Dept of Maths, QMW, Univ. of London. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Debian GNU/Linux Developer,  see
  Donate free food to the world's hungry: see

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