On Tue, 2 November 1999 07:53:25 +0100, Martin Schulze wrote:
> Well, maybe because all but 1 people tried to help technically
> instead of working on the issue on the proper stage. (sorry, can't
> express it like I want).

Following (even your) comments on IRC and in mails I
permanently got the (unwritten) message it is a too
important part of Debian anyway and "we are working
on it" - thus not giving room to either improvement
or help being offered.

Therefore it is terribly obvious (IMO) you are offered
technical help only because of the impression one gets
that you will not let the other thing out of your hand
anyway and in ages.

I can understand you point and I agree with you here,
does not help the problem and you complaining about it.
It was the way you were writing the mails about that
topic and the impression (at least I...) someone may get.

Yet again, it is a self-made problem. I said that on irc
already but you did not answer... you will disagree, for

Nix fuer ungut,

Alexander Koch - <>< - WWJD - aka Efraim - PGP 0xE7694969 - ARGH-RIPE

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