On 24 Apr 2000, Philippe Troin wrote:

> Of course, we have nothing better to do than playing the Debian
> Democracy Game. This piece of "policy" is so often used that it
> obviously need a rewrite.

If this is how many people feel then I would like to simply have the
language of the policies in that document fixed up as Manoj pointed out.
It is clearly easy to misunderstand the intent so *at least* that needs

The policies we have to have are not entirely 'common sense' and this is
what prompted the creation of this document in the first place. Example:
Very few people seemed to quite understand the NNTP policy and its

It also seems there is concern over the specific way in which we handle
these cases. The big points I noticed are: 
  1) Name Withheld?
  2) Debian-Private removal?
  3) Level of Detail/Open Process/Etc

All of which are not really 'common sense' or there would not be such
strife. There at least needs to be some kind of agreement on what to do
for the 3 above.


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