Buddha Buck wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: David N. Welton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > ...
> >
> > There is actually a list for these kinds of meta-project discussions:
> > debian-project.  It was lame for the origianl poster not to post
> > there, in my opinion.
> I disagree.  While debian-project exists, it isn't known to every developer
> or other interested party (like myself).  A proposal to do something as
> broadreaching as amending the Social Contract needs to be discussed in as
> wide a forum as possible.

Your disagreement was based on previous ignorance of the availability
and topic of the debian-project list.  Since you now know, you ought to

>From the http://www.debian.org/MailingLists/subscribe page, accessible
the home page (edited only for formatting):

                Debian project related non-technical (i.e. political,
                organizational, etc.) discussions. 
                        Moderated: no     Subscription: open 
                This is the main discussion list for development topics.
                All developers should be subscribed to this list.
                As it is open to the public anyone can join the discussion. 
                        Moderated: no     Subscription: open 

debian-project is as open as debian-user, and anyone who wants to
and/or comment on, this issue ought to do so in debian-project.  An
ment in debian-devel and debian-user should be sufficient.  I'm
in the debate (currently I'm anti-"get rid of non-free", but pro-"valid
vote on it"), but I'd like debian-devel to stay free for development
and debian-user to stay free for the topic of using Debian.

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