* Christian Surchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [20001106 23:03]:
> So, from the point of view of Project and rest of the world, I see that
> we have only NM as way to call people to help us. I don't think we need
> all people working on web site are devolopers (in the sense of packaging
> or other technical aspects I mean).

The 'Joining Debian' page (http://www.debian.org/devel/join/) explicitly
recommends other people than package maintainers to join the project:

    There are several things, other than package maintenance, you can
    contribute to in Debian. Testing and reporting/fixing bugs is
    great help to us, along with helping in writing good
    documentation, or doing web maintenance, translation (i18n &
    l10n), publicity, legal support... our quality assurance web page
    lists several possible ways to help.

Martin Michlmayr

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