
I'm writing my thesis in human geography about the distribution of developers in
free software projects. I'm looking into two projects, Debian and the Linux
Kernel, from which I'll track the locations of the developers. I'm just trying
to get a picture of the tendencies of the locations, i.e I'm not aiming for a
complete documentation of all developers.

Now, for achieving this, I've been looking into the developer coordinates on the
developers corner on the Debian website, and I have a couple of questions
regarding that. First, how many developers are there in the Debian
project? (I've looked around on the website for a while, but not found it, maybe
I'm just a bad searcher...). I'm also wondering how "up to date" the coordinates
are, I've noticed that the list has grown since I first had a look at it.

// Regards, Simon Kågström

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