On Wed, 14 Mar 2001, Petr [iso-8859-2] Èech wrote:

>On Tue, Mar 13, 2001 at 04:46:31PM -0800 , Gary Mart wrote:
>> Sirs:
>> What happened to the woody (sid too) installation disks (disks-i386)?
>> They seem to have disappeared, I can only find potato installation disks.
>> ftp.us.debian.org/debian/dists/woody/main/disks-i386 is an empty directory.
>there were never any

Isn't this a violation of previous common practices?  I thought that
unstable's disks-* directories were always symlinked to stable's until the
unstable bootdisks were ready.

                                Petr Cech


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you've paid for it: if you did pay for it, might I remind you of the
immortal words of Phineas Taylor Barnum regarding fools and money?

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