On Tue, 03 Apr 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> We are interested in working with Debian in a Beta program.  Currently we test
> our Network Interface Card drivers in your most current releases, but would 
> like
> to get beta pre-releases for testing.  We may also like to explore the option 
> of

We have two trees which could be considered "pre-releases", they're named
"testing" and "unstable".  "Unstable" is where our development is done, while
"testing" is receives more conservative updates so as to be a bit more
stable (but it does break from time to time).

You can access both trees in the mirrors that carry our stable tree
(although they probably will need to be installed on top of a Debian stable
system). There are no ISO CD images of the unstable and testing trees.

Both trees are updated once a day.  You (as well as anyone else) are free to
download them, and use them to test your drivers without any sort of strings
attached.  We currently support both Linux 2.2.x and 2.4.x kernels. The Hurd
kernel support is in experimental state.

> submitting our drivers for consideration to be included in your box.  Please
> contact me with any details you can provide.

Usually, we will include all drivers that are accepted by the Linux kernel
upstream.  If your drivers are alredy being sent to the linux kernel
developers to be integrated into the linux driver set, chances are they've
already been included in Debian unstable.

We could include extra drivers, and utilities for those drivers, even if
they are not included in the linux kernel yet. However, we usually will only
do so if the software follows our Debian Free Software Guidelines.

The Debian Free Software Guidelines (DFSG) are available at

If your software meets the DFSG, I'd be happy to help you find a Debian
maintainer that will help you integrate them into our distribution. If you
need help to determine whether your drivers and utils meet the DFSG or not,
please post a question with the proper URLs for the license of your software

If your software does not meet the DFSG, it gets far more difficult (or even
impossible, depending on just how far from the DFSG your license is) to
integrate them into Debian.  Being an user of 3COM NICs myself, I hope this
is not the case...

  "One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie." -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

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