On Mon, Sep 10, 2001 at 08:58:38AM +0000, Nick James %28Razor CT%29 wrote:
> Just emailing to ask about the licensing requirements for 
> installing debian on 10 x86 PCs on a primary school LAN, with one 
> PC acting as a file server (no application servers needed). Would 
> this be covered in the GPL and cost nothing or would there be a 
> charge?

As long as you use only software in debian main and contrib you'll never
need ANY license, since all software is free for all uses.

Software in non-free can sometimes be non-free for commercial use, so
you should read the relevant licenses.

If you install the 'vrms' package you can see what software is non-free.
If vrms reports no non-free packages you don't have to look further.

Mark Janssen                         Unix Consultant @ SyConOS IT
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]              GnuPG Key Id: 357D2178
http: maniac.nl, unix-god.[net|org], markjanssen.[com|net|org|nl]

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