Today at 01:12:63 you wrote the following wise words:

> Now, my boss is going to get most of the heat, and he and his managers
> are looking for alternatives.
I wish the ppl at my school were that smart as well...

There are some Debian-based distro's with very nice installers and
things like that already. One of then is Progeny, we have Corel... The
other one can be found via Problem is that
Progeny is dead now... :-/

Just install Woody as soon as it's stable. It has a nice desktop, a nice
browser (Konqueror, you can even make it support things like ActiveX, so
no blahs about not-supported-by-browser..), and you can install
StarOffice for people who want to write something.

The fact that Linux is more difficult to maintain might just be a bit of
a good thing for schools. On schools the pupils seem to like to mess up
everything they can, and now they can't do that anymore... And cfengine
is said to be a good program for the sysop to configure lots of systems
at once.


Wilmer v/d Gaast.

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