I dont think there is a problem here :

Josip Rodin wrote:
> Someone should check this out...
> ----- Forwarded message from Groucho Marx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----
> Subject: fake Debian mirror at http://www.debian.org.ar/
> I think I found a supposedly Debian mirror at http://www.debian.org.ar/
> As an enthusiast of the free software movement and the Debian Project, I
> feel insulted by this very low
> quality site which among other things aserts this:
> "haga click aquν para una pequeρa introduciσn a Debian y conozca el mundo de
> linux y el software gratuito"
> Which means:
> "click here for a little introduction to Debian and know the world of linux
> and free(gratis) software"
> The problem is that "gratuito" means "free" as in "free bear" not as in
> "free speech", so the person
> who wrote this page missed the hole issue and propagates a wrong concept.
> I think it might be of your interest to be aware of this.
> Groucho Marx
> ----- End forwarded message -----

I actually clicked the link.
  It takes me to a page titled "Introcuccion a Debian", which opens with :
  "Que es Debian ?"
  "Debian es un sistema operativo (SO) libre, o "Open Source", para
  "su computadora."

Libre ofcourse indicates free as in freedom.

Also : for someone who doesnt have much money,
  the gratisness of Debian is probably an important part of its being 'libre'.

So what is this ? A joke ?? 
Who are you anyway ??
( and what do you have against a free bear ? )

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