On Tue, Jan 15, 2002 at 04:22:00PM -0500, Alex Leytes wrote:
> "A program to unpack a Debian package onto a Linux host that is been built
> from a `foreign' distribution is available, and will generally work, in the
> sense that files will be unpacked."
> I am sorry to bother you with this, but I couldn't find the information on
> how to get this utility. How is it called and where to get it?

I think you're talking about alien. You can get it at freshmeat or a
archive site for debian or redhat packages.


Mark Janssen     Unix / Linux, Open-Source and Internet Consultant @ SyConOS IT
E-mail: mark(at)markjanssen.nl / maniac(at)maniac.nl     GnuPG Key Id: 357D2178
Web: Maniac.nl Unix-God.[Net|Org] MarkJanssen.[com|net|org|nl] SyConOS.[com|nl]

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