Le Mon, Sep 16, 2002 at 04:17:56PM +0100, julien klein écrivait:
> hi


> I would like to collect information about the debian community's
> strategy in terms of advertising and promotion.  I'm particularly
> interested in how debian manages to keep its tradition of "non profit
> community" when it comes to extend the community and make advertising.

The question is "advertise what" ?

We have nothing to sell so the only advertisement that we need is to
make ourself known so that people can use our distribution. Luckily many
people already use Debian and when they are happy with it they
advise Debian to their friends. Several big users of Debian put
banners and logos on their website acknowledging the use of Debian
and promoting it at the same time.

Some Debian developers (and even debian users) participate in various
events (LinuxExpo, Libre Software Meeting, etc.) and present Debian
to the visitors. We even have some material available on our website to
help them setup a Debian booth (http://www.debian.org/events/material).

When we have news, we post them on our mailing-lists and the subscribers
(our users) usually forward them where they like (slashdot, linuxfr,
debianplanet, ...).

> so if you know any website about this topic, or have any information,
> I would appreciate.

If you have other precise question feel free to ask. Even in French by
private mail if you wish.

Raphaël Hertzog -+- http://www.ouaza.com
Formation Linux et logiciel libre : http://www.logidee.com

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