>    To get feedback, I'm running a poll on debianHELP.  Debian.Org's 
>    position on non-free software is pretty clear (in spite of the fact that 
> non-free software is still distributed by Debian), but I wanted to solicit 

If Debian's position on non-free software was clear to you, you would
not be saying "in spite of the fact".

Our position is outlined in our social contract.

Personally, I don't think we should spread the support of non-free. We
abide by our social contract to allow it a place in our archive, and I
think that's far enough. Anything extra should be saved for free

IOW, I think that debianHELP.org announcing non-free software is not a
good idea. Be sure to not confuse commercial with non-free. Qt is
commericial, but is still free.

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