On Fri, Jan 10, 2003 at 10:37:02AM -0800, sergey dyshel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was 
heard to say:
> I'm want would download your distribution but it
> contains more than 10 CD's.  Do  you  have a
> distribution of 1 or 2 CD's which contains only
> basic  set  of  packages  (like compiler, shell,
> XFree86)? My internet access is very restricted
> therefore I can afford myself to download no
> more  than  2  CD's  (must  be  bootable).  All  I 
> need from Linux is development environment: gcc, make,
> emacs, tex, gdb.

  You do not need all 10 CDs merely to install Debian.  You only need
the CDs for packages you intend to install -- and if you can get your
internet connection working from within Debian, you can download
individual packages from the FTP archive.

  The CDs are supposed to be set up so that the most important/popular
packages are on the first CD, the next most important are on the second
CD, and so on.  You are certainly safe just getting the first two CDs.
I don't know exactly what's on them, but I believe the programs you
mentioned are.

  All that said, you may want to investigate a network-based installation if
that is possible.  You can download some floppies, or a small CD image,
boot off those, and download packages as the install progresses.  If you
are not installing very much software, you'll probably end up
downloading less this way.

  For more information, look around the Debian web page under "Getting Debian":


/-------------------- Daniel Burrows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -------------------\
|                        After the game, the king and                         |
|                        the pawn go in the same box.                         |
|                          -- Italian proverb                                 |
\----------------- The Turtle Moves! -- http://www.lspace.org ----------------/

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