Hello there, and good luck for your project...

I am not an expert on this, but I want ot give a few ideas:

Replies below


PS: I am not a debian devleoper, I simply contribute.

-----Original Message-----
From: Astrid Karin Furre
To: debian-project@lists.debian.org
Sent: 1/27/03 12:41 PM
Subject: Project 

We are two girls studying at Stavanger University College,computer

We are now working on a project,where we want to do some researh and
develop an open-source-code-solution on an already existing program..

We need some help with our research,and have some theoretical questions
we want to answer.


Company-internal use of the open source-code concepts. 

Which benefits and risks are there for a large corporation in applying
theseconcepts in web-solution development? (Sharing and collaboration
between several business units in the corporation.) How does this relate
to a "buy, not build" policy, used by many large corporations? Suggest
how to apply these concepts in sharing, maintaining and further
developing, a small existing web-solution. 

* What are the concepts used in open source-code systems development? 

I think the concepts used in open source development are not fundamentally
fifferent from concepts used in "closed-source" development. There are
possiobly two exceptions:

a) You will not use code/concepts that are licensed under a non-free

b) Since you are usually devleoping in a team, clear/legible code as well as
good documentation are key factors. But you'll do that anyway, I guess.
* How are these projects/developments being managed? 
Usually a project leader is assigned, and code is developed in a
collaborative manner, usually with tools like cvs helping development.

* Cooperation tools used? 
I'd say the use of cvs (http://cvshome.org) is rather widespread. In the
case of the debian project, packages are also digitally signed with gnupg
(http://www.gnupg.org). Mailinglists are also often used, with either
Mailman (http://www.list.org) or majordomo being used.

* How are version control and quality assurance taken care of? 
VC see above, quality control: Debian has a quality control team.

* Identify strengths and weaknesses of these concepts. 

- Incentives to develop/improve software can be non-moetary/non-commercial
(the simple fact that I have contributed to that program or found a bug in

- Since the collaboration is usually informal, quite a lot depends on the
leadership skill of the project leader(s). There are quite a few mismanaged
open-source projects. Also the term 'free software' is controversial to
neophytes (esp. that 'free' does not apply 'absence of cost, more on this on
the fsfeurope website (www.fsfeurope.org))

* Compare with "buy, not build" policy and the rationale behind 
Does anyone of you know something about this stuff? We are really
thankful if you send us an e-mail as soon as possible.
Astrid Karin Furre and May Elin Fjelde

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  • Project Astrid Karin Furre
    • RIBNITZ Robert

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