On Sun, Feb 16, 2003 at 01:00:34AM +0100, Joachim Breitner wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm using debian not for a long time (compared to others) now, but I
> caught the flame and I became what you could call debian believer and on
> my way to become a Debian Developer. But not beeing one already should
> not stop me from trying to help.
> The thing is: The debian structure is not very transparent. Although I
> read debian-devel and some other mailling lists and eagerly read reports
> on debianplanet.org, the way debian really works is quite hidden. I read
> something about a Debian Project Leader and I from random posts on
> debian-devel I also found out that currently Branden is in this
> position, but I don't know much about him. I only new his name from the
> X Strike Force. He is running for DPL again, with three other
> competetors, but neither do I know them nor do I know how they have been
> chosen. I also heard something about a mysterious group called the
> "FTP-Masters" and the "list-master" and so on. Of course I could dive
> into mailinglists and docs deep in the debian.org menu structure, but
> that is not really a good option. You see the problem?
> That's why I'd like to see a Debian Who is Who somewhere, where the main
> people their positions are presented, maybe with a picture and personal
> backgroud (with permission of the person of course). This would make
> debian appear less like the wobbling masses of anonymous developers on
> debian-devel and more like what and how it really looks like.


P.S: I still think that a Photo should be added to db.debian.org. It
could be defined as public or private, but adding it will help a lot
developer meetings.

  Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo

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