On Wed, Apr 30, 2003 at 04:48:29PM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:

> Isn't this whole thread about our users demanding it?

If that's your interpretation of the thread (and it's not mine), then
hadn't you better get cracking at implementing whatever the missing
pieces might be?  Actions speak louder than words, y'know!  :p  ;)

Personally, I don't think that one person asking a question qualifies
as "our users are demanding it".  Especially not a question from
someone who isn't even using Debian.  But maybe I'm just too
literal-minded. :)

(And, I mean, my god, three different people responded to that post; I
responded last, and I was the only one he thanked.  Why the heck are
you picking on me?  <*cowers and whimpers*>)

But more seriously, yes, I suspect this is the beginning of demand,
and I suspect that we'll see more questions like this soon, and I do
think we should move forward.  I also suspect that we're already darn
close, and that it's going to prove to mostly be a matter of dotting
'i's and crossing 't's.  Maybe I'm just an optimist -- we'll see.

Chris Waters           |  Pneumonoultra-        osis is too long
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       |  microscopicsilico-    to fit into a single
or [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  volcaniconi-          standalone haiku

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