On Mon, Aug 25, 2003 at 04:50:51PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
> I'm not going to respond to this message except to point you to this:
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-legal/2001/debian-legal-200112/msg00250.html
> PLEASE NOTE: I no longer stand by my assertions in points 2) and 3) of
> the "impact statement", but I continue to stand by the "PROPOSAL" as
> such.

I have no disagreement with that proposal on a practical level, so I'm not
sure what there is that you want me to rebut.

If you approach this from my perspective, where licenses are not software,
this appears to be a strengthening to the DFSG.

If you apprach this from the perspective that every bit in Debian is
software, then this would appear to be weakening the DFSG by permitting an
exception to its regular rules.

Not that this is not a necessary exception if you hold that view, but it
seems rather odd for us to say "Well yes, everything in Debian is software
and the DFSG applies to it all... but wait, licenses are exempt from some

Since I don't hold that view, I'm in agreement with you ;-)

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