you can find a pretty good overview over different high-availibility clustering solutions on

it depends on what you want to accomplish. i recommend drbd rather than rsync for data replication (real-time replication with standard hardware, working with databases (mysql,postgres,oracle,..), apache, samba,...). there are some commercial products too (e.g. steeleye lifekeeper,..)


Andrew Suffield schrieb:
On Tue, Oct 21, 2003 at 10:51:57AM +0200, Robert Ribnitz wrote:

Martin Tang wrote:


Does Debian Linux implement true clustering (two or more simultaneously
active servers sharing the same physical disks) ?

  Mit eme scheene Griessli,

                             Martin Tang

AFAIK you need special hardware to do this. What you can do in SW though is to have two servers, that mirror each other eg. using RSync over a fast dedicated line.

There are various free shared filesystems out there, if you have
hardware that permits shared access to disks (fibrechannel or
some other SAN kit).

There are also NAS filesystems which give a pretty good simulation of
it (lustre for example, although that's a bit immature).


: Stefan Schleifer                                Tel +43-1-8178292-54 :
: LINBIT Information Technologies GmbH            Fax +43-1-8178292-82 :
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