Hello !
I was just cruising around your superb site !!, when i noticed that following information is incorrect.

Distributör: Nohup AB
Webbadress: http://www.nohup.se
Webbadress för Debiansida: http://www.nohup.se/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/j9595/web_store.cgi?page=productindex/112.html
Tillåter bidrag till Debian: Ja         Land: Sverige
Levererar internationellt: inom vissa områden
Typ av cd: Officiell cd         

It seems to be that the company does not sell any Debian CD sets, I'm sad to say.
The information is located at http-adress:
(..in swedish, though..)


Best regards
/Mats - a happy Debian user.

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