On Thu, Mar 04, 2004 at 08:15:25PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
> Perhaps we need to reconsider our official recognition of Freenode's
> #debian as a Project resource.

Well, given that the number of actual Debian Developers who hang around
in there regularly is two (Laurence Lane/ljlane and David Harris/ElectricElf) 
and neither is in
there that frequently these days in my experience. joshk is there from
time to time, but I feel like I'm the only one with a package in the
archive who's actually present frequently and for long periods of time.
Basically there is no help from those officially involved in the
project, which is unfortunate in my opinion.

Instead what has happened is that bitter users have largely taken over
the channel, mwilson being the most notable of those, and they tend to
piss off more new users than they help. There are very notable
exceptions to this (Rob Weir/bob2, Peter Samuelson/peterS, Don
Armstrong/dondelelcaro, Simon Raven/simonrvn) but they are often drowned
out by the angry users.

I think that having #debian as an official resource should not go away.
There is no better way to find out what users on the frontline are
having troubles with. The problem is a lack of involvement from people in
the project who are well connected to what's going on. I've thought
about creating a "#debian strike force" for a while now (we almost have
one in a way) but I haven't figured out a good way to do it. If anyone
is interested in setting this up, I think it'd be worthwhile. #debian
should still remain a part of the project.

 - David Nusinow

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