Jonathan Walther writes:

> On Mon, Mar 08, 2004 at 10:26:23AM -0500, Lukas Geyer wrote:
>>My suffering in this case was mostly caused by your posting, so
>>probably the best you could do to ease my pain would be to stop
>>contributing to this thread. Anyway, thanks for the offer, I really
>>appreciate your concerns.
> Self diagnosis are rarely reliable.  Perhaps you could dig deeper, and
> tell us the real cause of your pain.  Your pain is our pain, and we
> don't like being in pain.

If people must be rude to each other in counter-productive ways, could
they please do it off-list?  When "bullying" (to borrow the term used
earlier in a related thread) moves from technical issues to personal
attacks, it merely escalates problems.  It only resolves the issues by
driving people away, and that does not generally help the long term.

Michael Poole

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