On Mon, May 03, 2004 at 10:11:03AM -0400, Patrick Moroney wrote:
> I'm trying to install Debian 3.0 Stable with 2.2 kernal onto my home PC 
> At first I was trying a Linksys card but gave up.  After reviewing your 
> documentation, I decided to purchase a Netgear card; with its limited 
> number of chip set choices I figure I'll have a better chance at 
> success.  After getting successfully Debian installed (save the 
> ethernet), and then going to /lib/modules/2.2.../net directory and 
> trying insmod natsemi.o, I get the following message:
> natsemi.o - unresolved symbol pci_drv_unregister
> natsemi.o - unresolved symbol pci_drv_register
> natsemi.o
> You are trying to load a module without a GPL compatible license and it 
> has unresolved symbols.  Contact the module supplier for assistance, 
> only they can help you.

I'm not sure if this will help, but you might give it a try.  first do
`depmod' and after that try `modprobe natsemi' (both you can do from any
directory, just make sure you are root).  If that doesn't work you might
have some more trouble which I am unlikely to be able to help you with.
I'm unfamiliar with both the board and NIC.
If these simple things work you want to add `natsemi' in /etc/modules to
be loaded at boottime.

Using a higher kernel version is also better imho, the 2.4.x series
(which is in stable aka woody as package kernel-image-2.4.whathever) I
had once on a very old pc where the 2.4 kernel had no problem whatsoever
with the NIC while the 2.2 kernel's drivers wouldn't do the work.

Well, I hope this simple stuff gets you going.
Oh yeah, also next time use the list [EMAIL PROTECTED] for
questions like this (and also please follow up this mail there).  You'll
get more and better response I guess.


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