On Fri, Jul 09, 2004 at 03:04:16PM +0200, Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder 
> On Friday 09 July 2004 13.45, Floris Bruynooghe wrote:
> > > (NOTE - this is based on the assumption that distributing the
> > > packages on the CDs actually causes considerable work - no need to
> > > drop CD images if it's actually very easy to produce them.)
> >
> > Well, I thought jigdo made it really easy.  I may be wrong of course.
> AFAIK jigdo only takes care of the thing at thre receiving end. The 
> considerable amount of work I assume is needed is the 'which package 
> goes to which CD image' step.

True, but isn't that automated as from the sections "required" and
"standard" and combined with the input from popularity-contest?
Or it could be automated at least.

If the suggestion about the classification is tried.  How would it work
to just divide in the sections like "admin", "x11", "gnome", "net" etc.
for "extra" and maybe "optional"?

Pesonally I wouldn't like that because I like some "optional" packages
from everywhere around.  Imho the popularity based system will work
better coz you want bits of everything most of the time.


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