On Mon, Jul 26, 2004 at 09:34:36AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> After some research we've found in the following packages we need to 
> continue our planning phase:
> Apache 2.0;
> PHP 4.3.x;
> MSQL 4.0.2 or higher, because we need foreign keys with cascading UPDATE 
> and DELETE, and row-level locking.
> Analizing the packeges supplied by your distributions, we've noticed that 
> the version of MySQL does not satisfy our requirements.
> Why do you support an older release of that software? Do you think it is 
> unstable or not sufficiently tested? Have it got some security bugs you 
> have found?

MySQL 4.0.18 and 4.0.20 are present in the testing and unstable branches of
the distribution, respectively.  The version of MySQL in stable is fairly
outdated because the stable distribution was released some 2 years ago. 
Debian releases are intended to be rock-solid stable and not change very
often (so as to provide a stable development target).

Note also that Apache 2 and PHP 4.3 aren't in the stable distribution,
either, so "Woody" (the codename of the current stable release) isn't going
to be much use to you at all.  However, the intention is to release Sarge
(the codename for the current release candidate) as the new stable release
in the next few months.  In the meantime, you can target your development at
Sarge, and be sure that you'll have a brand new stable release to target in
the near future.

- Matt

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