On 2004-08-07 02:40:17 +0100 Moray Allan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

While I'm not against a general 'equality' list, I don't think it would be a substitute for the debian-women list. I don't think it makes sense
to lump together all underrepresented groups and assume that the
solutions to their underrepresentation will be similar.

Nor do I advocate such a "lump". I do think that there will be some similarities between the right way to address underrepresentation of women and underrepresentation of other groups, especially in the methods used in the early stages to identify barriers, create infrastructure and choose tactics. Why do people think those are so different for women?

It was suggested to me off-list that other groups will know to look at debian-women for those tools; also that debian-women does not discriminate. If that is the case, the list seems ill-described and possibly misnamed. Please fix it soon, as I think you will get more bug reports about it and subscribers do not seem welcoming to them.

MJR/slef    My Opinion Only and not of any group I know
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